Select a room from the list: Entrance Sanctuary Music Room Library Childrens Room Gallery Kitchen Fellowship Hall Lavatory Closet Utility Closet Exit
Childrens Virtual Church
Daily DevotionalA Bible Moment
Fine art, stained glass photos, religious photos
Christian Fellowship: Links to Christian Singles, Christian dramas and activities
Music: Songs and Lyrics
Prayer, Praise and Promises A daily devotional
Bible Stories
Weekly Bible Challenge. A series of 10 questions with a different theme each week.
Books, References, Quizzes
Sermons and Discussions
What is the Virtual Church? A statement of beliefs
Of Special Interest:
The Gospel According to Grace: A Clear Commentary on the Book of Romans.
In the Sanctuary, links to various creeds and statements of belief, early church documents, online Bible helps and concordances.
Tour the Temple Mount
Hear the spoken Bible online
The salvation message in 74 languages
Bible quizzes--Answers provided for all quizzes
Free Christian graphics and images--many sites now provide free graphics suitable for web sites or print. Here are links to sources with more than 700 images!
The Worlds Greatest Questions,by Jim Bramlett
The Worlds Most Mysterious Disappearance Solved!by Jim Bramlett
Awards and Citations
What is the Virtual Church?
Comments, suggestions and questions: Contact Us Virtual Church (SM). All original documents (c) 1995-2002.Concept and design by Karen Kincaid GeffertContent by Karen Kincaid Geffert, Jean Kincaid, Ph.D. and John E. Wootton, Ph.D.Opened: May 10, 1995.Last update: February 27,2002.
All original artwork and documents are the copyrighted property of the Virtual Church authors and may not be used without permission. We have taken every step to ensure that every image is properly acquired (e.g. photographs, clipart) or is an original work. If you see something you would like to use, please ask. We are happy to give permission for appropriate uses and credit. You may freely link to any page IN ITS ENTIRETY on this site , but please do not directly link to the pictures or sound files within the pages.