Welcome to the Virtual Church Website
A Christian Resource Compendium

Each "room" has something to offer--the sanctuary features sermons by guest ministers, communion, and prayer; the library has Bible quizzes, links to Bible search engines, reference materials, and bookstores; the gallery contains images of fine art, stained glass and photographs. There is a children's room with illustrated bible stories and pictures to color, a music room with hymn lyrics and sound files, and a fellowship hall with links to other Internet resources. Even our closet and washroom have something to offer! 

Explore the church room by room, or take a shortcut to selected features listed in the sidebar to the left. Or quickly search the scriptures using our link to the Bible Gateway Search Engine. While visiting us, you can let us know what you think or ask us a question--our email address is on every page. If you would like to have a link in this virtual church, drop us a line with your address.

Room Directory and Description

The only way to Heaven.  Youth Room 
Coloring pages, Bible stories 

Sermons, scripture readings, communion, the altar call. View stained glass windows, church architecture or take a tour of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

Music Room 
Words to favorite hyms, sound clips in WAV and RealAudio. Links to more than 1,000 hymns and Gospel songs 

For your viewing pleasure: browse our photographs of churches, stained glass windows, and religious fine art and illustrations. There are also links to sites that offer more Christian artwork and clip art.

Search the Bible, free books available online for downloading, 
interactive Bible quizzes and puzzles 

Fellowship Hall/Activity Center 
View the Jesus film online with RealVideo. Links to Christian dramas, singles online. 

Food for body and soul 

Lavatory/Wash Room 
What being clean really means

Utility Closet 
What is in the furnace? 

Coat Closet 
Find out what's in our closet! 

The EXIT: Leaving this world 

  • Will the church escape a time of God's wrath and judgement? The Tribulation and the Church, by Chuck Smith
  • Can We Know When Jesus Will Return?, by Jim Bramlett. "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). God commands us to watch for the signs, saying that we will know when He is near.

For Christians who are looking for the Rapture, or those who want to know more: